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About: About

Hi, my name is Arianna, and I am a certified personal trainer. I acquired the official title of trainer in 2020, but my fitness journey began many years ago: as a child I practiced gymnastics and dance, as a teenager boxing - a sport I'm still passionate about, and finally about 10 years ago I approached bodybuilding for the first time, and I felt in love with it since then.

Like many other, for a long time I too have been a victim of the beauty standards imposed by society, and I used to do sport only for the purpose of achieving an ideal of perfection that did not belong to me.

I used to look in the mirror and did not like at all what I saw,

I was just "wrong".

But inside me I always had the feeling that all this was not "all",

that there must be more.
The more my knowledge about sport increased,

the more the awareness of my body was consolidating.

Today I am a completely different person than I was 10 years ago,

when I first approached the gym:

today I understand and love my body,

and I see it as the biggest resource I have

to express all the strength and the vitality in me.

That's why I chose the profession of personal trainer:

because I know that within every person there is this enormous potential and that sport is that spark you need

to make it pop out and to discover all the power and beauty you have inside.


Are you ready for it?

About: About Me

About me

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